FREE Interactive online workshop for parents
Words That Work
Communicate with your child without losing their attention (or your mind!)
2 chances to attend - Pick your fave!
(Replay will be available)
Does talking to your child always go wrong?
Whether our kids are toddlers or teens, we all go into conversations with them hoping to get a point across, teach a little lesson, or just understand what's happening in those mysterious heads of theirs. Most of all, we just want to feel connected and in tune with this person we love. But it's so easy for it to end in disaster! Pretty soon this kid is checked-out, shut down, rolling their eyes, or straight-up fighting us, and the great dialogue we hoped for is just a pipe dream.
It is totally possible to turn this around. This workshop will show you how.

It might suprise you to know that the most common things we do in conversations with our kids actually push them away!
You might be creating distance between you and your child without even realizing it! If every interaction leaves you thinking:
- I probably blew it.
- Why won't they listen?
- I just want them to understand!
- What's going on in that head?
- I'm only trying to help!
- How do I get them to do the right thing?
You CAN move beyond one word answers, shrugs, arguments and tears!

What if you knew what to say?
What if your words brought you closer to your child? What if you could get your child to open up? What if you could just be present with your child without having to make them DO anything?
You know the most important ingredient to make this happen? Love. And I know you have that coming out your eyeballs for your kid! The trouble is that love also sometimes gets in the way. It makes us want to fix everything and relieve our child's pain, and that creates distance and opposition.
I will teach you how to channel your love for your child in the right direction. You'll finish up ready to create a more open, connected dialogue with your child about even the hardest topics.

In this Workshop You'll Learn:
- Words guaranteed to tank any chat with your kid (and how to avoid them)
- Three one-liners that keep kids present and opening up (perfect for when you just don't know what to say!)
- How to handle even the toughest topics (including lying, backtalk, and over-reactions)
How to be a good listener, even when your child's behavior needs correcting
Register for Monday's session at noon (4/8/24)
What People Are Saying
"I came into this work knowing I'm a good mom, but there were clearly a lot of adjustments that were needed. Now, there is hardly any yelling in our home, and no conflict. There's a lot less lecturing and a lot more communicating. And there's a lot more hugging and affection that the kids initiate on their own!" - Jen
"Everything with Ann is just so actionable, versus just enhancing my own knowledge base." - Johnna
"I am so much better now at patience and peace with myself and with the kids. I would find that lost my patience quite easily with the kids and especially with repeated bad behaviors. Now I can approach the situation in a much more calm, neutral way." - Johnna

Hi, I'm Ann!
I'm a mother of 4, parent coach and still sane, believe it or not!
When I became a mom, I had no clue about parenting. I found myself losing my temper, with kids who were out of control and driving me nuts! After realizing I did NOT want life of anger, misbehavior & chaos, I turned myself and my family around in a big way. Now I help other moms do the same, and it's the best job ever!
My business is based on the true and tricky fact that we are moms and individuals all at once. The more we live and parent in alignment with our true selves, the better family dynamics we have and the happier we are. That's what my work is about and it's what I bring to my clients every day.