Why Can't Sh*t Be Simple?
Aug 23, 2022
Back To School is upon us, and whether you’re so happy to be shutting down “Camp Mommy” for the year or crying over the summer’s end, one thing is practically universal: we’re all swimming in a sea of logistics and to-do lists.
Personally, on top of the usual school supply scramble, I am organizing a delicately balanced carpool scheme more complicated than any engineering problem I tackled in grad school. 4 kids in 5 different schools (don’t even ask how that is possible - just trust) makes life a little complicated. Plus 2 kids in drivers’ ed, 1 gymnast, and a budding karate ninja…I’m sure we all have a similar story.
This is on top of that slightly complex thing parents do all day every day: raising humans. That can be a little tricky sometimes, no?
You know what would be really great right about now? Simplicity. Gimme some straightforward, smooth, no surprises, no catches, no last-minute charges, snafus, or gotcha moments - I’m so ready!
Moms deeply desire (and hardly ever experience) ease, so I build simplicity into every part of my business, even something that can feel tricky, like getting away for a retreat. AWAKEN THE WISE MAMA is simple:
First, it doesn’t get easier than 5 days of zero housework, cooking, shopping, driving, planning, organizing, or problem-solving. Heaven, right?
And how about not stressing about money? Everything in AWAKEN is included!
🍷 Wineries? Covered.
😌 Massages? Included.
🐝 Lunch and flights at our local meadery? No cost to you.
💁♂️ Tips for your waitstaff and massage therapist? I got you.
🎁 Killer gift bag? It’s a given.
🚗 Airport transport? Complimentary.
How nice is it to go on a trip and not be nickel-and-dimed the whole time?! I think that's a big deal, so my retreat guests reach for their wallets exactly ZERO times.
Finally, how about creating a parenting vibe that makes motherhood easy even when you get back home? And how about creating that vibe in a way that is fun and relaxing? Our morning coaching circles will open your eyes and change your life…while you hang out in PJs, love on yourself and laugh your butt off. Let yourself surrender to this - I’ll take care of you in every way.
After the crazy Back To School rush, I can’t imagine anyone who deserves this experience more than you. 2 spots remain for this fantastic retreat! Connect with me here, and I’ll answer all your questions and do everything in my power to make this moment happen for you.