Summertime Sanity: It's not just a pipe dream!
Jun 16, 2020Happy summer everyone?
If this year doesn't quite feel like the celebratory/relaxing moment you'd like, I feel you. A lot of my clients are expressing a mixture of frustration, overwhelm and hopelessness as they look to the months ahead. We already dealt with 2 months of disorder as school, childcare, work, social life and extracurriculars all imploded thanks to covid.
We picked up the pieces and made it work...then school ended and it feels like the chaos is starting all over again with summer camps and vacation plans falling through left and right.
Whatever semblance of normalcy we managed to create during the year is gone, and if you're a work-at-home-mom (or even just a mom who needs to get some sh*t done!) it's all just TOO MUCH.

It may be surprising, but the amount of panic and summertime freak out I'm seeing in my clients and followers right now, is actually NO DIFFERENT from what I see every year. The pandemic flavoring is new, obviously, but wigging out over great swaths of unstructured time, feral kids running around 24/7 and no hope of peace, time or space for mom...THAT is the same. We tend to freak out when life pulls the rug out from under us.
The good news? Summertime is solvable, even in these crazy times. I promise it's possible to get breaks from your kids and accomplish things for yourself right now. AND it's possible to actually enjoy your summer, your kids, and the things you're pursuing beyond motherhood, whether it's your career, your personal life, or anything in between.
The good news? Summertime is solvable, even in these crazy times.
I recently was asked to create a work-at-home mom training for the Future Fueled summit, that I call "Mom Like A Boss: Raising Great Kids While Nurturing Your Career," and now I can share it with my audience as well (for free). Preparing the training materials proved to me once again that ALL moms need this stuff - We all need time to accomplish more than basic momming stuff. We all struggle with guilt when we don't focus on what we think we 'should.' We all want to enjoy our kids and the non-kid elements of our lives. WAHM are only different in that their circumstances FORCE them to figure this stuff out and not give up. So whether you're a WHAM or not, I know this training can make a big difference in your summertime peace and sanity. You'll walk away knowing how to create:
uninterrupted and guilt-free work time,
joyful and present parenting time,
calm and effective responses to misbehavior, and
confidence that living your WHOLE life is a GIFT you give your kids every day.
I've already seen the stuff in this video create big results; grab it and see for yourself!