If You Want Something Done Right...

moms parent coach parenting parenting help Feb 27, 2024
If You Want Something Done Right...

If You Want Something Done Right... I started classes at a local gym about seven years ago, and I’m still a die-hard devotee today. It’s an incredible gym (Pearl Street Fitness for any Denverites) - killer workouts, never the same class twice, excellent coaches, but can I tell you the REAL reason I love my gym? 

When I’m there, I don’t have to think.

Someone else is in charge for this one hour, and I can surrender to the moment with 100% trust that I’m being taken care of. I don’t need to have answers or even be good at what I’m doing! And just by letting my coach take care of me, I improve my health, experience a great workout, and move closer to my goals. It. Is. Heaven.

Being Cared For 

The feeling of being cared for, held, and able to depend on people and systems besides ourselves… is RARE in parenthood (especially for moms). So many moms I talk to feel like they can’t depend on other people and they’re in it alone. They feel isolated and end up using a DIY approach to parenthood that leads to:

  • Burnout (aka raging at kids, half-assing important stuff, giving up..)
  • Not getting help that could make a huge difference (like hiring a coach, just sayin’ 😉)
  • Winging it in hard situations (how are we supposed to know what to do?!)
  • Distance between partners or co-parents (I’m alone; you’re not helping!)
  • Resentment (SO much resentment)

Moms need a place where they can be dependent and have someone there for them the way they are for everyone else in their life (and not just at the gym)!

 Ann Kaplan Group Coaching

That is what my group program is for a space where you can depend on someone other than yourself, be met there, and be supported the way you need. You don’t have to be put-together or good at this incredibly hard thing called parenting. And when you let the group take care of you, parenting becomes clear and simple, you learn incredible skills, friendships begin, and things aren’t so lonely or heavy. 

The great thing about being the take-charge, get sh*t done type of person that is YOU is that you can take matters into your own hands RIGHT NOW by onboarding help and support! Maybe things you’ve counted on before haven’t worked out, but here is something you CAN count on to lighten your load, improve your parenting, and undo the story that it’s all on you.


If you’re ready to be cared for in parenting, this is for YOU. It starts with a free Discovery Call so I can hear your story, hopes, and challenges. Together, we’ll create a roadmap to the life you want to live with your child and explore exactly how to walk that path. Set it up now!

Learn more about group parent coaching here. 

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Listen to my podcast - Confessions of a Parent Coach (or wherever you listen!)

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