"School is Her JOB"
Apr 20, 2023
School is Her Job - Plus a Little Spoiler
This is a little spoiler for something exciting I have coming up in the next few months:
I am launching a podcast called Confessions of a Parent Coach! It’s an easy way to get a little wind in your parenting sails from me each week (kind of like these emails, but for your ears). Each episode is short, not-so-sweet (you know me!), and actionable. Want a little taste? Here’s a clip from an episode called “School is her JOB” Check it out!
“My 14-year-old daughter is in the midst of a fight with her bestie. Meanwhile, finals are coming up, and she can’t think of anything but this social drama. She says all I care about is grades, and that is kind of true. I mean, School is her JOB!”
I bet you can relate to this quote from a mom in my coaching group. I know I do!
But what if school is NOT her job?
Watch this podcast clip (eek!) to learn:
- The real work of school for kids
- Holding academic boundaries without letting it overshadow more important stuff
- How to address the things that are important to your kid, even when they don't feel important to you
Struggling with School?
If you are struggling with academics, social drama, or even being on the same page as your child, I can help. You can be a huge factor in your child’s happiness and success by learning a few important skills. It starts with a Discovery Call where I get to know you and your struggles, and we begin a fabulous coaching relationship that will change your life.
Find me on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annkaplanparentcoach
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annkaplanparentcoaching/
YouTube: youtube.com/@annkaplanparentcoach
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mom-me-experience/