Back To School - the hidden reason it's hard
Aug 26, 2021
Hey Parenting People!
Summer is winding down, school is ramping up and in August I worked with 3 times the number of parents I see in most months! Back To School is tumultuous and my business surges during BTS every single year.
But BTS doesn’t cause parents to need me, it just pushes families enough to uncover what wasn’t working all along. Boundaries, time management, responsibility, organization, self-control, social skills...these are needed in deeper ways from both parents and kids right now. If someone is struggling with them but just getting by, now is when that struggle bus breaks down. If BTS is kicking your butt, I promise there are deeper things at play, just waiting for you to notice and do something about them.
Because NOW is when many families realize their need, NOW is the time when I want to help you get it. So until September 1st, I am running a Back To School Sale!
(Whaaaa?!?! Whoever heard of a ‘sale’ on coaching? I might have just invented that...)
Anyone who books a free Discovery Call with me before September 30th will unlock lower pricing on any coaching they choose (5% off private and 10% off group).
If you have been thinking of working with me, are curious how it works, or just want more insight on parenting, NOW is the time to book it. Let’s see what’s behind your Back To School challenges, ease this time and set you up for success in ALL areas of parenting.
Here’s what one of my clients, Jen, said when BTS pushed her to book her call last year:
“A few months into remote learning I was overwhelmed. I have 3 kids (13, 12, 10), my husband and I work from home full time, and our workloads are unpredictable and heavy. Just going through their assignments with them was taking literally hours and I needed help. I found Ann, a parenting coach. I was skeptical. But I did her free consultation and she gave me so much value and insight on that call that I booked her 6-month program the same day.
I'm nearly finished with the program, and so much has changed. I have a better relationship with all of my kids. I almost never yell. There is a new peace in the house because my frustrations have been reduced so much. Grades are up, I have more time with them and more dedicated work time (and me time!). And most importantly, I'm more confident in my parenting and my communication with them, and can see them having more confidence in themselves.”
I want to give you the same value and insight I gave Jen in her call. Book it here, lock in your discounts, and get ready for an incredible hour of parenting support, on the house!
Love, Ann