Awakening from Parental Hibernation
May 17, 2022
Awakening from Parental Hibernation
Does it seem like we have been living in a fog the last few years?
Parenting on autopilot or survival mode, drifting away from the things that make life truly alive (friendships, movement, travel, community, FUN)...
The impacts of this listlessness are emerging.
Mental health declines in us and in our kids, bad habits take root, and joy is a distant memory. But the fog is lifting...
It's time to WAKE UP!!!
I have felt an awakening inside me through this spring - an opening up after too long a slumber.
And, I am seeing an awakening in the mothers I connect with. A leaning into the possibility of joy and connection. A readiness to leave worry and heaviness behind, to create something wonderful for themselves and their families after accepting 'just ok' for too long. An undeniable urge to bring FUN back into life (freaking finally!).
Can you feel it?
It's time. Time to hold each other, to release all the heaviness the world has dumped on our families, to (re)learn how to parent from joy and intuition, to laugh and hug and love and learn and BE...together.
This fall, I invite you to step into intuitive parenting wholly and joyfully with me!
Awaken The Wise Mama Retreat:
Uncover parenting clarity, renewed family dynamics, and JOYFUL mothering.
Imagine 5 days in the breathtaking Autumn colors of Northern Michigan, full of belly laughs, breakthroughs, delicious food, gorgeous scenery, and soul connections. You deserve this!
Coming on this retreat means you are ready to finally accept in your bones that releasing anything blocking your intuition and desire in parenting is the greatest gift you could ever give your family and yourself.
Only a few days into announcing this life-changing experience, already only 4 spots remain. Act now and reserve your place!