The 4 Styles of Parenting
Jan 27, 2022
Have you seen this image before?
It’s not new. These types of parenting were first discussed back in the ‘60s. So why on earth would I bring it up in a discussion about “Revolutionary Parenting”?
Because, while the 4 styles are old, true Authoritative Parenting is new. It is revolutionary.
It’s new because actually DOING the sh*t we have to do to become authoritative parents is new.
- It’s new to stop telling yourself your kids’ behavior is your fault.
- It’s new to let shame go.
- It’s new not to dump our sh*t on our kids.
- It’s new to care more about your child’s mental health and development than their behavior.
- It’s new to understand and trust that doing this will improve their behavior.
How do we become better parents?
We move up the arrows in this image. We increase our closeness and connection with our kids, while also increasing leadership and control in our families. Easy to say, but holy hell is it hard to do both of those things at once! We need to do all those new, revolutionary things to be able to move the dial.
In the Parenting Revolution Workshop, I will walk you through this image in a very deep way. I will teach you how to move up those arrows, and remove any garbage getting in your way. I will teach you what true Authoritative Parenting looks like, and I will help you evaluate where you are right now.
If you want to become the best version of yourself as a parent, I urge you to register and join me! Click here.
Love, Ann
PS. What's the biggest mistake we make in trying to move into Authoritative Parenting? Doing only one of these and neglecting the other. Doing both at once is tricky!