3 Keys to a Successful School Year

back to school parent coach parenting parenting help Sep 04, 2024
3 Keys to a Successful School Year

3 Keys to a Successful School Year—I had a call with a couple this week about how to set their son up for success now that he's starting middle school. 

"What happens when he inevitably decides to quit track or forgets he has homework?

3 Keys to a Successful School Year

When it comes to school and extracurriculars, sometimes we overcomplicate things because it feels like a big job getting our kids across the finish line of an entire school year. But really, the formula for success is pretty simple: 

Create the container.

Boundaries with clear, compassionate consequences create a space inside which our kids get to decide to do their schoolwork, be team players, follow school rules…or not. Then, they get to experience the outcomes of their decisions. This family, for example, decided to make a rule that screens and social time are available as long as there are no missing assignments at school. 

Manage your mind.

As soon as we landed on this rule, I noticed Dad scowling. "I just don't trust that this will work to keep him on track." Definitely not! The containers we create never guarantee compliance, and they're not supposed to. He will for sure skip his homework, lie about it a few times, and try a bunch of other ways to test his container. He's supposed to do that. Dad needs to be calm and loving when he does and simply follow through with the consequences (no screens or playdates). But that can only happen when we have our heads on straight. Most parents skip this step, but it's the most important. 

Be a resource.

Eventually, this kiddo will complain that he can't keep track of his assignments or finish his work on time. His parents can be available to offer ideas like a planner or calendar app, but only if they are calm and haven't already burned bridges with him. The container and the mindset set us up for being actually helpful in ways we never could through lecturing or nagging. 

Does this seem like oversimplifying?

The truth is good parenting always comes down to these three things. But it can feel complicated in the moment, and we run around like headless chickens, helpless to get things back on track. This is why it's my job to help parents get back to basics, create that container and do everything needed to hold it, deal with the mind drama, and actually support their kids while they learn all those important life lessons. 

Ready to make it happen?

Let's chat! I want to know about your vision of a successful school year and help you create a roadmap to making it a reality. Set up a free Discovery Call today.

Learn more about group parent coaching here. 

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