Who doesn't love free stuff?

Free Discovery Call

Ready to experience parent coaching for yourself? Want to see if we're a good fit? Not sure which of my services are best for you? In this session you'll get me up to speed on all the challenges facing you and your family right now.Ā  I'll help you identify exactly where your problems lie, andĀ  how to get back on track right away.Ā 

Free Workbook:

Kids Who Listen The 1st Time

Sick of nagging, repeating yourself, and eventually blowing up at kids who ignore you all day? 

This guide will teach you everything you need to know to eliminate broken record syndrome immediately.

Free Ear Candy (aka Podcast)

I am the host of the "Confessions Of A Parent Coach" podcast and I'veĀ guested on over 100 podcasts myself! I share insights on every parenting topic from coparenting, to toddlers, to teens, to sex (yep!), to anything else you can think of!Ā  Give me a listen!Ā 

Set Up A Free Discovery Call

I know you, I see you.

And I've been you.

After working with parents for over a decade, and raising 4 of my own kids, I have seen it all, and lived through half of it myself. I know the cycle of committing to being the parent your child deserves, losing control, feeling awful, and committing to being better next time. I have seen the yelling, power struggles and confusion. I know all about the uselessness of threatening, bribing, bargaining and lecturing. And, most of all I know how powerless, lost, defeated, overwhelmed and ashamed parenthood can make us feel.

Luckily, I also know that you absolutely can turn your relationship with your child around, and that peaceful, well-behaved and respectful kids aren't just for the lucky few. It's possible for you too, I promise!

I work with all kinds of families,

in all kinds of ways.

Individual Parents

It surprises many people to know that the majority of my clients are just one everyday parent, whether they are part of a couple or not, who has made the decision for themselves to change their parenting and their relationship with their child.  This stuff works, and you absolutely can do this whether you're a 'united front' or not!  All it takes to work with me is the choice to go for it, and nothing more!


A separation is a big transition for any family, and for each person in that family.  It's natural to want to support and help yourself and your child through this time.  I have experience in a myriad of separation scenarios from high-conflict to conscious uncoupling, and support separation by working with both or single parents as it fits for each individual family.


Do you and your partner want to undertake this work together? Let's go for it!  I have a special couples package that builds individual work + couples sessions into every month.  You'll each get your own individual access to teaching materials, and you'll be surprised to see how this work not only transforms your parenting dynamic, but your relationship with each other!

Legal Needs

If you've recently been given a court mandate, a CFI recommendation, or guidance from legal counsel to work with someone like me, you may feel like you're the only one in the world to be in this tricky spot (or you may not have even realized that people like me exist!).  Fear not! I support parents with legal requirements all the time and am familiar with the needs these situations bring. I've got you!

Private, Couples, Group or Customized work - I have a package that fits your needs and budget.Ā  Set up a free Discovery Call and let's get started!

Meet With Me

About Me

Who am I? Why am I so good at parent work? 

Whelp, first of all I have 4 kids of my own and have lived the dream (and nightmare!) of parenting through every childhood stage, from infancy through adolescence.

I'm also a Love&Logic (tm) independent facilitator and a life coach, which means I'm not just winging it. But most importantly, I have a unique holistic approach to parent work that includes emotional support, home management skills AND effective discipline that empowers children while improving behavior. 

There are plenty of coaches out there - I am the one for you if you want someone who knows about discipline PLUS the emotion and chaos that make that discipline hard, someone who will give it to you straight, and love you fiercely.

Contact Me